847-299-8144 LL1487RS@gmail.com

Family and Medical Leave: Process

FML Certification

Employees seeking FML must submit the appropriate fully completed certification form and/or requested information within 15 calendar days of the date of the request for the certification/information. If the completed certification form is not provided within the allotted time, FML coverage may be denied or the start of your FML may be delayed and any absences prior to your submission of the completed form may not be protected by FML and could be included in your dependability record.

Requesting an FML Certification Form

Employees with the exception of Flight Training based Pilots may check their eligibility through the Help Hub Employee Information or may contact the Employee Service Center (ESC) at 877-UAL-ESC9 (1-877-825-3729).

For those that are eligible for FML, we will provide you an FML case number, explain the FML certification process, and send you a FML certification form directly to your corporate email and via US mail to your address of record.

The ESC is available to you seven days a week (including holidays) throughout the year (Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. central time).

Submittal of an FML Certification Form

Please have your treating health care provider fax your fully completed certification form directly to the FML Administrator at 847-700-3084. 

*Please note, it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure the FML certification is faxed and received at the ESC.

The original paperwork (not a copy) may also be sent through company mail or via the U.S. Mail (Employee Service Center/WHQMW, P.O. Box 66100, Chicago, IL 60666

For Flight Training based Pilots, please have your treating health care provider fax your fully completed certification form to Company Medical (OPCMD) at 847-700-2600.

Pilots requesting intermittent FML for their own health condition should contact Corporate Medical at 303-780-5099 or CorpMed@united.com prior to submitting their certification to the Employee Service Center.

Using an Approved FML Case

Employees with an approved FML case should follow their normal departmental call-in procedures and request the absence is covered by FML by providing the specific FML case number.  The absence will be validated within 16 business hours to ensure it is within the specified FML parameters and automatically run concurrently with the appropriate absence policy. In addition, if applicable, you should follow the department/division’s process to certify for a paid sick day.

Note:  Management and Administrative employees must use all available vacation prior to using unpaid FML for care of a family member when the need for leave is 15 consecutive work days or less. 

FML Parameters – Frequency and Duration

Frequency is provided by your treating health care provider and is based on the number of times (occurrences) your condition caused incapacity during the last 12 months that prevented you from performing your job functions. 

Duration per each episode is also provided by your treating health care provider and is based on the average number of days your condition caused incapacity during the last 12 months in a single episode. 

The total number of days of incapacity and the frequency is always based on your past medical history.

Please keep in mind, that the total number of days of incapacitation must also be consistent with the condition, treatment plan, prescribed medication, office visits etc. For example, a request for a frequency of 4 times per month for up to five days for each occurrence equals 20 days a month or 240 days per year. Based on the request, we may require additional information to clarify if the condition actually warrants a continuous block of time or is consistent with the stated condition.  This is especially true when the total number of days of incapacity exceeds the number of days in a week/month, e.g., incapacity of 4 times a month for up to 8 days equals 32 days a month.

Recertification of FML

The Company may request recertification for your or your family member’s serious health condition under the following circumstances: :

  • The circumstances described by the initial FML Certification have changed significantly (e.g. the FMLA taken by the employee is inconsistent with the need for FMLA set forth in the certification);
  • The Company receives information that casts doubt upon the stated reason for the leave.
  • If the certification indicates that the duration of the condition is more than 30 days, the Company can request a recertification of a medical condition every six months in connection with an absence.

You must provide the updated FML Certification or recertification within15 days of the Company’s request. If you do not submit the completed recertification within 15 days, this may result in the denial of FML for any days/time in dispute and denial of FML for any days/time until the recertification is received. Please note that this time may be counted against your dependability record. The cost of your treating health care provider completing an FML Certification or recertification is covered by you and/or through your medical benefits, if applicable.