District 141-Local 1487
The Dues information for Local Lodge 1487 below, represents IAMAW members who fall under District 141.

District 142-Local 1487
The Dues information for Local Lodge 1487 below, represents IAMAW members who fall under District 142.

On Behalf Of The Executive Board,
Women’s Committee And The Members Of Local Lodge 1487.
Was Able To Assist The Families In Need This Thanksgiving.
This Year Focus Was Our Give Thanks Give Back Pantry Drive
At The Self-Help Closet & Pantry Of Des Plaines.
10 Cases Of Pampers (size 4-6) & Wipes
10 Bags Of All – Purpose Flour ,Cooking Oil,
A Case of toilet paper and paper towels…
Thank You Everyone! Happy Thanksgiving

November 14, 2024
This event aims to engage with the members of 1487 for food, fun, and prizes
while raising funds for Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines.
Special guests included District 141 AGCs Mike Cyscon, Mike Quartuccio,
and MNPL Director Dave Roderick.
along with the 1487 Executive Board
would like to thank our fellow members and
guests for supporting a fantastic cause.

Local Lodge 1487 will be renamed in Honor of retired
District President Ken Thiede.
in a moving ceremony, Local President Tony Licciardi announced that Local 1487 in Chicago will be renamed in honor of retired District President Ken Thiede. The announcement was made at a meeting of the Local 1487 Retirees Club.

Local Lodge 1487 President Tony Licciardi holding the temporary plaque until the actual one arrives.
You can go to the Retirees Club page under the tab Departments tab for more photos.